Delivering a smarter vending machine experience

The freedom to pay exactly as you want

Technology-leading vending machines in Green Bay & Northeast Wisconsin.

Advanced product prepacking system that increases our accuracy and efficiency
Up-to-the-minute information about what is really selling and needed in machines
More efficient deliveries mean fewer vehicles on the road making less stops
Greater efficiency and better service thanks to the latest warehouse systems

Reach us anytime using our

customer service mobile app located on all our machines

Driven by the need to make your vending machine experience even better

Credit Card Readers

Use your credit or debit card to make purchases at any of our vending machines.

Mobile Payments

Pay with your mobile device using PayRange or a mobile wallet app.

Energy Efficient Equipment

Each vending machine is built to achieve generic energy efficient equipment standards.

Lightspeed Technology

Lighted inventory picking ensures your products are accurate and timely.

Infrared Technology

Sensors guarantee a product is delivered, or trigger an automatic refund.


Our corporate-wide initiatives encourage sustainable business practices.


Online Ordering

Our super easy and affordable CONNECT system allows customers to quickly send their orders, and in turn, save employees hours of manual order entry

online ordering

Automated Inventory Management

Our systems provide instant and accurate information, which results in lower inventory carrying costs and higher fill rates

Automated Inventory Management

A Brighter Tomorrow

More efficient routes allow for a decrease of vehicles on the road, which means a reduction in carbon dioxide and other pollutants.

A Brighter Tomorrow

Green Bay & Northeast Wisconsin leaders in warehouse efficiency

Lightspeed technology

Partner with a service provider as dedicated to implementing technology as you are — BE’S Refreshments at 920-983-2318 or